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Rassegna stampa di Jules Dassin

Jules Dassin (Julius Dassin). Data di nascita 18 dicembre 1911 a Middletown, Connecticut (USA) ed è morto il 31 marzo 2008 all'età di 96 anni ad Atene (Grecia).

The New York Times

Jules Dassin, an American director, screenwriter and actor found success making movies in Europe after he was blacklisted in the United States because of his earlier ties to the Communist Party.
Mr. Dassin is most widely remembered for films he made after he fled Hollywood in the 1950s, including “Never on Sunday” (1960), with the Greek actress Melina Mercouri, whom he later married; “Topkapi” (1964), with Ms. Mercouri, Peter Ustinov and Maximilian Schell; and the 1954 French thriller “Rififi.”
But before his blacklisting he had also carved out a successful Hollywood career making noir movies like “Brute Force” (1947), a prison drama starring Burt Lancaster and Hume Cronyn; “The Naked City” (1948), an influential New York City police yarn that won Academy Awards for cinematography and editing; and “Thieves’ Highway” (1949), about criminals who try to coerce truckers in California.
Mr. Dassin’s last major effort before his exile was “Night and the City” (1950), a film shot in London starring Richard Widmark (who died last Monday) as a shady but naïve wrestling promoter and Francis L. Sullivan as a predatory nightclub owner. Some critics called it Mr. Dassin’s masterpiece.


Ha ridefinito i codici del film noir alla fine degli anni '40 - in particolare con la cosiddetta trilogia della città: Forza bruta, La città nuda e I corsari della strada - adottando uno stile documentaristico e trasformando la lotta tra la malavita e i tutori della legge in una sorta di conflitto di classe.
Nato a Middletown nel Connecticut nel 1911, Dassin esordisce al cinema con un cortometraggio ispirato ad un racconto di Edgar Allan Poe che rende immediatamente la cifra delle sue atmosfere e dei suoi interessi. Dopo alcuni film con attori importanti con Joan Crawford e Charles Laughton, nel 1947 gira Forza bruta che ottiene uno straordinario successo e gli apre le porte di Hollywood.

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