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Rassegna stampa di Pedro Costa (II)

Pedro Costa (II) è un attore, regista, produttore, sceneggiatore, fotografo, è nato il 30 dicembre 1958 Pedro Costa (II) ha oggi 65 anni ed è del segno zodiacale Capricorno.


Portoghese d'origine, Pedro Costa si è rapidamente affermato come un autore rigoroso, erede di un cinema importante - la sua estetica radicale del resto rimanda alla purezza di Bresson. Il suo lungometraggio d'esordio, O sangue (1989), riscuote un entusiastico consenso di critica ed è selezionato al Festival di Venezia. Con il suo secondo film, Casa de lava (1994), Pedro Costa si allontana sensibilmente dalla sceneggiatura di cui è autore per lasciarsi ispirare da Capo Verde e dai suoi attori. Ossos (1997) vince il premio per la miglior fotografia a Venezia. Nel 2000 No cuarto da Vanda riceve numerosi riconoscimenti tra cui tre premi a Locarno. Il suo ultimo lungometraggio, Juventude em marcha (2006), è stato selezionato a Cannes.

The New York Times

Director's Quest for Truth' Among the Downtrodden
FOR someone whose films have until recently gone largely unseen, the Portuguese director Pedro Costa has a pretty vociferous fan club. His admirers include the French director Jacques Rivette (who called him "genuinely great") and the Canadian photographer Jeff Wall (who claimed that Mr. Costa's films improve on Robert Bresson's). He has been feted at festivals and museums from Vienna to Mexico City to Tokyo. His work has been extensively discussed in Cahiers du Cinéma, Artforum and Film Comment. Last fall Cinema Scope magazine produced promotional - or, more to the point, polemical T-shirts, identical to the "Vote for Pedro" T's from "Napoleon Dynamite" except for an additional phrase: "Pedro Costa, that is."
But Mr. Costa, 48, is not uniformly loved by world-cinema tastemakers. The press screening for "Colossal Youth" at the Cannes Film Festival last year was punctuated by a steady stream of departing critics. Detractors call his films slow and obdurate. Their rigor and stringency, along with the ferocious rhetoric often deployed by his champions, have given him the forbidding air of a high-art Spartan.
That reputation does the work a disservice. Few movies are as concretely rooted in physical reality or as profoundly attentive to their social context as Mr. Costa's. In recent years he has shot almost exclusively in the slums of Lisbon, working closely with the downtrodden inhabitants. Staking out a radical middle between documentary and fiction, he has invented a heroic and quite literal form of Arte Povera, a monumental cinema of humble means. (A retrospective of his films, which has been touring North America, starts Friday at Anthology Film Archives in Manhattan and runs through Aug. 12.)

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