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Rassegna stampa di Yasujirô Ozu

Yasujirô Ozu (Yasujiro Ozu). Data di nascita 12 dicembre 1903 a Tokyo (Giappone) ed è morto il 12 dicembre 1963 all'età di 60 anni a Tokyo (Giappone).

The New York Times

THE French filmmaker Claire Denis remembers well the first time she encountered the work of Yasujiro Ozu. She was in her mid-20s — “quite late,” she said, for a serious film buff to be introduced to one of the titans of world cinema — and the movie was “An Autumn Afternoon” (1962), the last that Ozu completed.
“I had been told he was a sacred master, so I went in with a sort of religious feeling,” Ms. Denis said in a recent telephone interview from Paris. “But I was amazed to find something very pure and simple, something that could be shared immediately with almost no words. It was of another time and another culture, but the feelings were so familiar. It was like going home somehow.”
The shock of recognition hit even harder several years later when she caught “Late Spring” during an Ozu retrospective in Paris. This 1949 film, often ranked among Ozu’s greatest, observes the deep attachment between a middle-aged widower (Chishu Ryu) and his grown daughter (Setsuko Hara), a scenario that Ozu would revisit, although in a different emotional register, with “An Autumn Afternoon.”
“I was extremely touched but not exactly aware why at first,” Ms. Denis said. She recalls smoking a cigarette outside the theater afterward with her friend, the actor Alex Descas, and telling him, “This is my story.” Or to be precise, the story of Ms. Denis’s mother, who was raised by her widowed father.
Ms. Denis’s grandfather came to Paris from Brazil as an art student; he fell in love and married a French woman, who died when their daughter was a baby. “He was an extraordinary man, really attractive, not at all French,” Ms. Denis said. “He gave his life to my mother. For her he was always the only man, and even my father knew that.”


L'hanno definito il più giapponese dei registi giapponesi. Figlio di un piccolo industriale, viene mandato a studiare in provincia, ma poco studia perché alla scuola preferisce le sale cinematografiche, dove divora tutti i film americani. Rientrato a Tokyo, dopo essere stato per breve tempo maestro in una scuola elementare, trova lavoro - il lavoro che gli piace - presso la società cinematografica Shóchiku, con la quale rimarrà sino alla fine, girando 54 film. Comincia con piccole commedie scacciapensieri, prosegue con film di maggiore impegno sociale, applicando i ritmi e le risorse della commedia alla vita degli umili, durante gli anni '30 e '40. La maturità arriva lentamente attraverso una serie di opere focalizzate sui problemi familiari. Negli anni '30 in patria è considerato un regista fra i maggiori. Nel dopoguerra la qualità dei racconti subisce un netto miglioramento dopo che è iniziata la collaborazione con lo sceneggiatore Kbgo Noda.

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