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Rassegna stampa di Eric Rohmer

Eric Rohmer (Jean-Marie Maurice Schérer) è un attore francese, regista, scrittore, sceneggiatore, scenografo, costumista, è nato il 4 aprile 1920 a Nancy (Francia) ed è morto il 11 gennaio 2010 all'età di 89 anni a Parigi (Francia).

The New York Times

Among the films Eric Rohmer directed in the ninth and last decade of his life were "The Lady and the Duke," set in the embattled aristocracy of 18th-century France, and "The Romance of Astrea and Celadon," based on a 17th-century French literary pastoral. These were not Mr. Rohmer's only forays into the past — in the mid-'70s he made "Perceval" and "The Marquise of O ..." — but period dress was hardly this filmmaker's habitual get-up.
Rather, the name (or the pseudonym) Eric Rohmer conjures a particular tableau of modern Europe, in which generally well-clothed (and occasionally unclothed), nicely spoken men and women converse in picturesque settings, reflecting calmly on the unruly desires to which they cannot help falling prey. His interest always gravitated toward the sexual mores and intellectual preoccupations of the present. And while some aspects of late-20th-century life — most notably, politics — were absent from his palette, he was also free of nostalgia or grandiosity. Meals, conversations, love affairs, excursions to the countryside and trips to the beach: his zest for observing such happenings was inexhaustible.


Letterato (è docente di francese, dal 1942 al '50, in un liceo di Nancy), critico (è redattore e poi direttore dei Cahiers du cinéma), sodale degli «eversori» della nouvelle vague (in particolare di Godard, con cui collabora più volte), affronta il cinema in proprio con uno schema rigoroso, dividendo la sua produzione in blocchi, dopo un esordio (per così dire) «libero», Il segno del Leone (1959). Tre blocchi finora: «racconti morali», «commedie e proverbi», «racconti delle quattro

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