Pet Shop Boys. Pop Art the Videos

Film 2003 | Musicale 360 min.

Un film con Pet Shop Boys. Genere Musicale 2003, durata 360 minuti.


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Contiene 42 videoclips: Opportunities (Let's make lots of money) (Original version) - West End girls...

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Contiene 42 videoclips: Opportunities (Let's make lots of money) (Original version) - West End girls - Love comes quickly - Opportunities (Let's make lots of money) (Second version) - Suburbia - Paninaro - It's a sin - What have I done to deserve this? - Rent - Always on my mind - Heart - Domino dancing - Left to my own devices - It's alright - So hard - Being boring - How can you expect to be taken seriously? - Where the streets have no name (I can't take my eyes off you) - Jealousy - DJ culture - Was it worth it? - Can you forgive her? - Go West - I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing - Liberation - Yesterday, when I was mad - Paninaro '95 - Before - Se a vida e (That's the way life is) - Single-Bilingual - A red letter day - Somewhere - I don't know what you want but I can't give it any more - New York City boy - You only tell me you love me when you're drunk - Home and dry - I get along/E.mail - Domino dancing (Extended version) - So hard (Extended version) - Go West (Extended version)

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