Paper Heart

Film 2009 | Commedia

Regia di Nicholas Jasenovec. Un film con Michael Cera, Jake Johnson, Charlyne Yi, Demetri Martin, Seth Rogen. Genere Commedia - USA, 2009,


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Ultimo aggiornamento mercoledì 26 agosto 2009

Al Box Office Usa Paper Heart ha incassato nelle prime 2 settimane di programmazione 756 mila dollari e 206 mila dollari nel primo weekend.

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Ciak! Si ama.

Charlyne non crede nell'amore, almeno non in quello rappresentato dai cliché Hollywoodiani. È piuttosto scettica sull'argomento. Paradossalmente viene tirata in ballo dal suo amico regista nella realizzazione di un documentario che pretende di fare luce sull'esistenza del vero amore. Durante le riprese si innamora di Michael e la loro relazione prende piede davanti alla macchina da presa.

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Betsy Sharkey
The Los Angeles Times

"Paper Heart." The name conjures up kindergarten sweetness -- love celebrated in construction paper cutouts, before puberty, dating and disappointments begin to color the picture. You get something close to that in this clever hybrid of a film as it swings between comedy, documentary and puppet reenactments with the slightest push from stars Charlyne Yi and Michael Cera, as variations on themselves, [...] Vai alla recensione »

Peter Travers
Rolling Stone

Enjoying this wondrous wisp of a something is easy, describing it is hard. Luckily, Charlyne Yi is an enchantress. I'd follow her anywhere. Maybe you saw her doing stand-up or acting in Knocked Up. Here she is playing herself, sort of. She's making a documentary about love. Since she doesn't believe in it, she interviews people who do. Then she meets Michael Cera, who is playing himself, sort of, since [...] Vai alla recensione »

Jeannette Catsoulis
The New York Times

At the outset of Nick Jasenovec’s “Paper Heart,” the actress and comedian Charlyne Yi (playing a purportedly fictional version of herself) claims neither to need nor believe in romantic love. Over the course of the movie, however, she will be nudged toward conformity by two parallel forces: the actual testimonies of firm believers and the fictional unfolding of a fumbling affair.

Dave Itzkoff
The New York Times

CHARLYNE YI wants to talk about love, and she doesn’t want to talk about love. In her unpredictable live performances, Ms. Yi, a 23-year-old comedian and actor, often spins material from the befuddlement of intimacy. Perhaps she’ll invite an audience member onstage to share a make-believe romantic dinner with her. Or maybe she’ll recreate “The Dating Game” in midshow and then tell you later, in all [...] Vai alla recensione »

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