Chop Shop

Film 2007 | Drammatico 84 min.

Regia di Ramin Bahrani. Un film con Alejandro Polanco, Isamar Gonzales, Ahmad Razvi, Carlos Zapata, Rob Sowulski. Genere Drammatico - USA, 2007, durata 84 minuti.


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Al Box Office Usa Chop Shop ha incassato 105 mila dollari .

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Alejandro, un giovane orfano di strada di origine latina lavora nell'officina di uno sfasciacarrozze nei sobborghi del Queens a New York. In questo difficile e complesso mondo di adulti il giovane Alejandro lotta per una vita migliore, per sé e per la sorella sedicenne Isamar.

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Jean-Luc Douin
Le Monde

"Chop Shop" : Alejandro, 12 ans, voleur malgré lui et héros d'une Amérique maudite Terrains vagues parsemés de mares d'eau boueuse, carcasses de bagnoles à perte de vue. Ici et là, derrière des tôles ondulées, des ateliers de réparation. On se croirait dans un bidonville d'une banlieue du tiers-monde. Nous sommes à quelques kilomètres de Manhattan, à la périphérie du Queens, dans le "Triangle de [...] Vai alla recensione »

A. O. Scott
The New York Times

Because the last shot of Ramin Bahrani’s “Chop Shop” is as quiet and matter-of-fact as most of the rest of the film, it takes a moment to register as a metaphor. For nearly an hour and a half we have been immersed in the rhythms of daily life in the battered Willets Point section of Queens, and Mr. Bahrani’s hand-held camera has remained studiously fixed at street level.

Kevin Thomas
The Los Angeles Times

There have always been child actors who have left remarkable impressions on the screen. The latest is Alejandro Polanco, the vibrant 12-year-old star of "Chop Shop," the stunning follow-up to Ramin Bahrani's heart-rending 2006 feature, "Man Push Cart." Polanco's Alejandro is among a number of youngsters who survive working in Willet's Point, Queens, an area known as the Iron Triangle, a vast junkyard [...] Vai alla recensione »

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