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Rassegna stampa di Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger (Heath Andrew Ledger) è un attore australiano, è nato il 4 aprile 1979 a Perth (Australia) ed è morto il 22 gennaio 2008 all'età di 28 anni a New York City, New York (USA).

The New York Times

Heathcliff Andrew Ledger was born on April 4, 1979, in Perth, Australia, where a local theater company cast him in “Peter Pan” when he was 10. That role led to parts on children's television programs, and to the 1992 film “Clowning Around” and the television series “Ship to Shore.”
But the magazine Current Biography said he was also a champion at chess and go-kart racing as a youngster, and played field hockey until his coach forced him to choose between that sport and drama.
After appearing in a short-lived Australian television series, he moved to Los Angeles in 1999. His first Hollywood film was the teenage romantic comedy “10 Things I Hate About You,” a send-up of Shakespeare's “The Taming of the Shrew” in which he appeared opposite Julia Stiles.
He passed up other roles in teen films. “I feel like I'm wasting time if I repeat myself,” he said in a 2007 interview with The New York Times. He paid a price, running so low on money that, according to Current Biography, he was borrowing from his agent. The magazine quoted him as telling The Evening Standard in London, “I was literally living off ramen noodles and water, because I was sticking to my game.”

The New York Times

The defining performance of Heath Ledger’s tragically foreshortened career — more or less equivalent to what Jim Stark in “Rebel Without a Cause” was for James Dean — will surely be the role of Ennis Del Mar in “Brokeback Mountain.”
A portrait of inarticulate love and thwarted desire, Ennis is a rich, complicated character succinctly sketched in Annie Proulx’s original short story and brought to heartbreaking life by the film’s screenwriters, Diana Ossana and Larry McMurtry; by its director, Ang Lee; and above all by Mr. Ledger himself.
Outwardly, Ennis presents a familiar image of rough-hewn Western masculinity, and the longing that surges under his taciturn demeanor does not so much contradict this image as help to explain it. Ennis’s love for Jack Twist, whom he meets tending sheep on a Wyoming mountaintop in the early 1960s, takes Ennis by surprise and throws him permanently off balance. His lifelong silence, the film suggests, is less a sign of strength than of cowardice, a crippling inability to acknowledge or communicate the truth of his own feelings. What made the performance so remarkable was that Mr. Ledger, without betraying Ennis’s dignity or his reserve, was nonetheless able to convey that truth to the audience. This kind of sensitivity — the ability to signal an inner emotional state without overtly showing it — is what distinguishes great screen acting from movie-star posing. And while Mr. Ledger was handsome enough, and famous enough, to be called a movie star, he was serious enough, and smart enough, to be suspicious of deploying his charisma too easily or cheaply.


Nato a Perth,è un attore australiano che ha cominciato a recitare da bambino in teatro e a 19 anni è emigrato negli Stati Uniti. È asciutto, con la faccia un po’ Iegnosa, versatile: alla Mostra di Venezia 2005 lo si è visto come cowboy vittorioso nel film vincitore del Leone d’oro, Brokeback Mountain di Ang Lee, ma anche nel ruolo del titolo di Casanova di Lasse Hailstrom e come studioso barbuto accanto a Matt Damon ne I fratelli Grimm e L’incantevole strega di Terry Gilliam. Jake Gyllenhaal, 24 anni, coprotagonista di Brokeback Mountain, ha l’aria più dolce e sensuale, le labbra ben disegnate, gli occhi chiari dalle ciglia lunghe, fitte e nere degli americani di origini gallesi, irlandesi od orientali.

The New York Times

THE neighborhood was nothing special, just another anonymous street in North London, and the corrugated-metal front door suggested the entrance to an auto-repair shop or maybe some kind of studio. But it opened into another world: a lush courtyard nestled inside a striking modern house with acres of white walls, exotic works of art and a roof garden, complete with burbling fountain.
Behind the door too was Heath Ledger, the current tenant of the house, making coffee in the glass-walled kitchen and presenting his own deceptive exterior. What you see is a strapping 28-year-old with sleepy eyes, an amused crinkly grin and out-of-control blondish hair, dressed on this particular occasion in a hooded sweatshirt and ripped jeans hanging low to reveal the waistband of a pair of light blue flannel underpants. What you get is a lot less obvious: a serious but hard-to-pin-down actor disguised as a California stoner. (He played one once, in “Lords of Dogtown.”)
Mr. Ledger has resisted typecasting since his first Hollywood film, the perfectly decent teenage-romance comedy “10 Things I Hate About You,” filled him with such foreboding about his possible future as a fluffy heartthrob that he turned down work for a year because all he was being offered were similar parts. Although he has since appeared in light, romantic-hero roles in films like “A Knight’s Tale” and “Casanova,” Mr. Ledger has also played a sensitive prison guard, a heroin addict spiraling out of control and, in a revelation of a part, a reluctantly gay cowboy in “Brokeback Mountain”: a hodgepodge of characters that are deliberately unlike one another.
“I feel like I’m wasting time if I repeat myself,” he explained. Nor is he ever happy with his performance, exactly. “I can’t say I was proud of my work,” Mr. Ledger declared of his latest role, in “I’m Not There” (Nov. 21), Todd Haynes’s strange, audacious new film, which attempts to get to the heart of Bob Dylan by dancing around him. “I feel the same way about everything I do. The day I say, ‘It’s good’ is the day I should start doing something else.”

Film TV

La notte degli Oscar, il 5 marzo, per la statuetta di miglior attore protagonista, Heath ledger dovrà vedersela con quattro “avversari” di tutto rispetto: quattro attori che hanno costruito, in altrettanti film, ritratti maschili di notevole spessore. Joaquin Phoenix, il Johnny Cash di Quando l’amore brucia l’anima, Philip Seymour Hoffman e il suo Capote, il bravissimo David Strathairn di Good Night, and Good Luck e il Terrence Howard di Hustle & Flow (l’unico tra i film i cui attori hanno la candidatura non ancora uscito in Italia). Vincerà? Difficile dirlo: I segreti di Brokeback Mountain ha avuto il maggior numero di nomiriation (8) e, sicuramente, qualche premio lo avrà. L’Ennis interpretato da Heath, tra i due cowboy quello che vive in maniera più compressa e sofferta la propria omosessualità, potrebbe portargli l’ambita statuetta. D’altra parte lui, australiano di Perth, abituato alla natura e ai grandi spazi, dichiara «Non è stato difficile portare sullo schermo la figura di questo ragazzo di ranch, in costante contatto con la natura e il paesaggio dei luoghi in cui vive. L’aspetto più interessante del film, però, è stato lavorare sui due personaggi e sull’espressione del loro amore, dal punto di vista fisico e psicologico». Il resto lo hanno fatto Ang Lee, il regista, e Jake Gyllenhaal, che ha avuto la nomination come non protagonista. Oscar a parte, questo 2005 è stato un anno d’oro per Heath - in realtà si chiama Heath Andrew -Ledger. Al cinema è stato Jacob ne I fratelli Grimm, visionario viaggio di Terry Gilliam nell’Europa del’Impero Napoleonico e, in una Venezia da cartolina, un Casanova - patinato e scaltro imbroglione disposto per amore al più grande sacrificio - nella megaproduzione firmata da Lasse Hallstrom che sarà nelle sale italiane dal 17 febbraio. Se consideriamo che, in fondo, ha solo 27 anni il ragazzo di strada ne ha fatta da quel lontano giorno in cui, a sedici anni, con una grande passione per il teatro e la recitazione, terminati gli studi, decise con un amico di lasciare Perth per Sydney. Dopo i primi ruoli in Tv, le serie Home and Away e Sweat, il primo film in Australia, Two Hands, e poi il debutto americano con 10 cose che odio di te (1999), seguito da The Patriot, dove è un eroe “storico” sul modello di Mel Gibson di Bravehearth, Monster’s Ball, Le quattro piume, I fratelli Kelly, dove interpreta il famoso bandito autraliano, e Lords of Dogtown. Il prossimo progetto, ancora senza titolo, è un film con la californiana Stacey Peralta. Dopo il West e la Venezia del Settecento un ritorno al presente.


Ha ricevuto una nomination all’Academy Award per il suo lavoro nel film drammatico di Ang Lee Brokeback Mountain.Per la sua performance nel ruolo di Ennis Del Mar, Ledger ha ricevuto anche le nomination ai premi Golden Globe, Independent Spirit, BAFTA e Screen Actors Guild, ed ha vinto numerosi altri premi della critica.


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