
Film 2007 | Documentario 93 min.

Regia di Doug Pray. Un film Genere Documentario - USA, 2007, durata 93 minuti.


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Al Box Office Usa Surfwise ha incassato 86,2 mila dollari .

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Doug Pray esplora la vita del surfista Dorian "Doc" Paskowitz.

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Jean-François Rauger
Le Monde

"Surfwise" : en surfant sur l'utopie Le personnage principal de Surfwise est un monstre de 85 ans. Mais pas un monstre de film d'horreur, pas un personnage véritablement antipathique, un être assez unique et insondable. Sa monstruosité vient de la singularité de son existence tout autant que du fait qu'il a voulu, coûte que coûte, choisir lui-même les termes de cette singularité contre toutes les [...] Vai alla recensione »

Kenneth Turan
The Los Angeles Times

There's an irony in the title of the documentary "Surfwise" that may not immediately be apparent. Because this story of a man who, as a TV news segment explains, "gave up being a doctor to travel with his family in a tiny camper from one wave to another," is an honest look at a complicated human situation, it turns out to be a darker film than might be expected.

Manohla Dargis
The New York Times

There are many different ways to drop off the grid, but few dropped off with such style and urgency as Dorian Paskowitz, the paterfamilias of what is lovingly and at times enviably described as the first family of surfing. It was an intensity in part born of his passionately felt engagement with history as a Jew, which took him from Stanford Medical School in the 1940s to button-down respectability [...] Vai alla recensione »

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