
Film 2008 | Commedia

Regia di Anastasiya Popova. Un film Genere Commedia 2008,


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Be kind to what you drink.
Gary Goldstein
Gary Goldstein

Hoping, perhaps, to hook some of the audience that made "What the Bleep Do We Know!?" a New Agey hit, the distributors of the Russian-produced "Water" saw fit to give this torpid examination of the structural powers of H20 a theatrical release.
Despite crisp cinematography and lots of gorgeous imagery, the film belongs strictly in high school science classes. But the overly measured, English-translated narration gives the doc an Ambien-like effect. Directed by Anastasiya Popova, and supported by a veritable United Nations of scientists, professors and clergy, the film posits that water has a memory and that its properties can be altered by human emotion. In other words, if you want your water to look pretty under a microscope, don't berate it or subject it to heavy metal music.
Da The Los Angeles Times, 18 aprile 2008

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Gary Goldstein
The Los Angeles Times

Hoping, perhaps, to hook some of the audience that made "What the Bleep Do We Know!?" a New Agey hit, the distributors of the Russian-produced "Water" saw fit to give this torpid examination of the structural powers of H20 a theatrical release. Despite crisp cinematography and lots of gorgeous imagery, the film belongs strictly in high school science classes.

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