Le fils de l'épicier

Film 2007 | Drammatico

Regia di Eric Guirado. Un film con Nicolas Cazale, Clotilde Hesme, Jeanne Goupil, Daniel Duval, Stéphan Guérin-Tillié. Cast completo Genere Drammatico - Francia, 2007,


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Antoine Sforza, un trentenne che ha lasciato il suo paese trent'anni prima per iniziare una nuova vita in città, torna a casa in seguito all'infarto del padre per sostituirlo nella conduzione del suo negozio di frutta e verdura.

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Stephen Holden
The New York Times

The rolling countryside of Provence may be a dream vacation spot, but it is the last place in the world that Antoine (Nicolas Cazalé), the sullen 30-year-old protagonist of “The Grocer’s Son,” would like to be. In this French variation of the fable of the prodigal son, Antoine reluctantly returns to his rural hometown after 10 years in the big city when his father (Daniel Duval) has a heart attack. [...] Vai alla recensione »

Kevin Thomas
The Los Angeles Times

Eric Guirado's beguiling "The Grocer's Son" is deceptively simple. Antoine (Nicolas Cazalé), a 30-year-old Paris waiter, suddenly finds himself back home in the village in Provence he fled a decade earlier. His gruff, demeaning father (Daniel Duval) has suffered a heart attack, and Antoine, at least temporarily, must drive a van every day through the countryside, selling food and goods to isolated, [...] Vai alla recensione »

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