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Rassegna stampa di Abdellatif Kechiche

Abdellatif Kechiche. Data di nascita 7 dicembre 1960 a Tunisi (Tunisia). Abdellatif Kechiche ha oggi 63 anni ed è del segno zodiacale Sagittario.

The New York Times

ABDELLATIF KECHICHE has just turned 48, and the film he finished two years ago has finally come to the United States, to New York, which he calls “a city where one doesn't feel like a stranger.”
Mr. Kechiche's relationship to France, where he grew up from the age of 5, is more complicated, which gives his film, “The Secret of the Grain,” much of its power.
The extended family he depicts in the southern French port of Sète is founded on immigrants, but they are also French, and the mixture of cultures is shown with care, with long scenes of conversation that move with the bustle and sometimes the longueurs of cinéma vérité. The combination of cultures is not always benign, and the portrait of the second and third generations has some bite and regret, turning the film, at the end, from an expected sentimentality into tragedy. (It opened Wednesday in New York.)
Mr. Kechiche was born in Tunisia, and — while he denies it — the film shows few “normal white Frenchmen,” as the comedian Coluche used to joke, who have much generosity or compassion. Instead they seem to represent the petty provincial businessmen and politicians of Balzac.


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