Alice's House

Film 2007 | Drammatico 92 min.

Regia di Chico Teixeira. Un film con Carla Ribas, Berta Zemel, Vinicius Zinn, Ricardo Vilaça. Genere Drammatico - Brasile, 2007, durata 92 minuti.


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Alice, estetista sposata con un tassista da 20 anni, ha tre figli, l'ultimo dei quali sta facendo il servizio militare. Nessuno dei tre figli rivolge troppa attenzione alla madre. La vita di una donna impegnata in un lavoro femminile, in netto contrasto con l'imponente presenza maschile nella sua casa.

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Carina Chocano
The Los Angeles Times

Alice, a manicurist in her 40s, lives in a small apartment in São Paulo, Brazil, with her husband, her elderly mother and her three teenage sons. Her husband cheats on her with very young girls, one of her sons is a hustler and another is a thief, and her lonely mother -- whom Alice's husband wants in a nursing home -- is losing her eyesight. If this description makes "Alice's House," the first narrative [...] Vai alla recensione »

Thomas Sotinel
Le Monde

"A Casa de Alice" : noeud de vipères, désir et pulsions dans une famille brésilienne Alice a beau être une femme comme les autres, son existence quotidienne prend bientôt l'architecture baroque d'un épisode de télénovela brésilienne. Esthéticienne, elle habite dans un appartement de Sao Paulo, un peu petit pour sa famille (un mari chauffeur de taxi, trois grands fils, une sainte femme de mère) mais [...] Vai alla recensione »

Jeannette Catsoulis
The New York Times

Chico Teixeira’s languid, libidinous “Alice’s House” is the best argument against marriage and motherhood to appear in many a year. The house in question is a messy São Paulo apartment bursting at the seams with male entitlement. With an ailing mother (Berta Zemel), three teenage sons who do little but lounge and thieve, and a husband (Zécarlos Machado) whose cabdriving job offers plenty of opportunities [...] Vai alla recensione »

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