Io & Marley

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Un film di David Frankel. Con Owen Wilson, Jennifer Aniston, Eric Dane, Kathleen Turner.
Titolo originale Marley & Me. Commedia, Ratings: Kids, durata 120 min. - USA 2008. - 20th Century Fox Italia uscita venerdì 3 aprile 2009. MYMONETRO Io & Marley * * - - - valutazione media: 2,27 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Recensione Marley and Me in inglese (A.V.) Valutazione 0 stelle su cinque

di Anika

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martedì 7 maggio 2019

This blockbuster film, directed by David Frankel, is a comedy of 2008, based on an autobiographical novel of John Grogan. 
It tells the breath taking story of two  newlyweds played by Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston. 
John and Jenny Grogan are two newlyweds and they are both journalists, but they work in two competing newspapers, they buy a new home and  They  start moving between the difficulties of a new marriage and the possibility to enlarge the family until...Marley arrives.
Marley is a lovely baby labrador who enters their life and twists it like a hurricane combining all the colors, but  with his incredible energy and great heart brings them together forever.
In my opinion, the plot is gripping from start to finish and  at the end of the story there are many twists and turns.
I would highly recommend this unpredictable and jaw dropping masterpiece. I promise you would regret missing it!
Anna (Anika) Veneruso.

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