Sherlock Holmes

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Un film di Guy Ritchie. Con Robert Downey Jr., Rachel McAdams, Jude Law, Mark Strong, Eddie Marsan.
Azione, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 128 min. - USA, Gran Bretagna, Australia 2009. - Warner Bros Italia uscita venerdì 25 dicembre 2009. MYMONETRO Sherlock Holmes * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,87 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Is That You, Sherlock?

di Sarah Lyall The New York Times

IN a filthy, dank labyrinth of rooms below the streets of the East End, Sherlock Holmes was solving a case. That is, Robert Downey Jr., playing Holmes in the forthcoming film “Sherlock Holmes,” was engaged in hand-to-hand, foot-to-stomach combat with a very big and very bad villain (Robert Maillet). Bam! Pow! Ouch! Both characters would end up knocked out on the floor, along with Holmes's trusty sidekick, Dr. John Watson, played by Jude Law.
Filmed in December, the scene presented a sharp corrective to the popular cinematic view of Holmes, at least the one propagated by the old films featuring the wonderfully named British actor Basil Rathbone. [...]

di Sarah Lyall, articolo completo (10563 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 25 gennaio 2009

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