Fly Me to the Moon

Film 2008 | Animazione

Regia di Ben Stassen. Un film con Tim Curry, Robert Patrick, Kelly Ripa, Buzz Aldrin, Trevor Gagnon, Philip Bolden. Cast completo Genere Animazione - Belgio, 2008,


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Ultimo aggiornamento martedì 7 aprile 2009

Il film ha ottenuto 1 candidatura agli European Film Awards, Al Box Office Usa Fly Me to the Moon ha incassato 20,3 milioni di dollari .

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Il viaggio di tre giovani mosche verso la luna, a bordo dell'Apollo 11.

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Thomas Sotinel
Le Monde

"Fly Me to the Moon" : la mouche de la capsule Le plus joli spectacle qu'offre Fly Me to the Moon est celui d'une salle pleine d'enfants affublés de grosses lunettes, qui font le geste de saisir un objet qui passe devant leur nez. Pour le voir, il faut tourner le dos à l'écran, sur lequel est projeté un dessin animé numérique en relief. Ben Stassen, le réalisateur, a longtemps fourni en films les [...] Vai alla recensione »

Michael Ordoña
The Los Angeles Times

Fly Me to the Moon, a 3-D-animated tale of insects who want to be the first flies on the moon, seeks to instill in kids a sense of wonder at space exploration. Whether it succeeds is really in the eye of the beholder. Three young flies in 1969 hitch a ride on Apollo 11; luckily their garbage heap is near Cape Canaveral. There are sinister Russian flies and the cutest maggots in film history.

Nathan Lee
The Village Voice

Parents wishing to stupefy their youngest children for an hour and a half might consider plopping them in front of “Fly Me to the Moon” — but only if a fourth viewing of “Wall-E” or a second trip to “Space Chimps” or a really bright flashlight shining in their eyes is completely out of the question. “Fly Me to the Moon” bills itself as the first animated feature created expressly for 3-D.

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