
Acquista su   Dvd Rocketman   Blu-Ray Rocketman  
Un film di Dexter Fletcher. Con Taron Egerton, Jamie Bell, Richard Madden, Bryce Dallas Howard.
Biografico, durata 121 min. - USA 2019. - 20th Century Fox Italia uscita mercoledì 29 maggio 2019. MYMONETRO Rocketman * * * - - valutazione media: 3,02 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

'Rocketman' is an affecting, sprawling musical about the life of Elton John

di Justin Chang The Los Angeles Times

There are a few surprises tucked in amid the sweet sounds and bright, kaleidoscopic visuals of "Rocketman," though the way it ends is not one of them. It plays out its final moments, as all biopics these days apparently must, over a montage of photos of its real-life subject. Still, because that subject is Elton John, this conventional postscript has its bonus pleasures, and not just because the images we see are unusually colorful and extravagant to behold. The sight of John at some of his most memorable concert performances, many of which are re-created in the movie, will probably only burnish your admiration for Taron Egerton, the game and gifted 29-year-old actor who plays him. [...]

di Justin Chang, articolo completo (8124 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 16 maggio 2019

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mercoledì 29 maggio 2019
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