Funny People

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The man behind the courtain

di Richard Brody The New Yorker

From silent comedies by Ernst Lubitsch to loud ones by the Farrelly brothers, the funniest people on the set have often been behind the camera. By giving his actors well-structured setups within which to cut loose, Judd Apatow makes most contemporary comedies feel instantly old-fashioned. In “Funny People” (Universal), Apatow gets to the heart of what makes them funny and why their comedic gifts set them apart. The story is centered on George Simmons (Adam Sandler), a comedian in his forties who became rich and famous from his roles in high-concept lowbrow comedies. [...]

di Richard Brody, articolo completo (2439 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New Yorker 14 dicembre 2009

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