Funny People

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All For Laughs

di David Denby The New Yorker

audience; his attitude is kill or be killed. So the dick stays in the routine. "Funny People" is leisurely, with many extended sequences, but the performers' natural command of rhythm holds it in tension. The hilarious dialogues among the three roommates are like complicated, interlocked sparring matches. The scenes between Sandler and Rogen are more conventionally dramatic, but George's shifting moods make them unstable and nerve-racking. Apatow is not only generous to performers here; he's generous to himself, too, creating the kind of visual divertissements he has never attempted before—most memorably, a mock George Simmons family film, "Re-Do," with Sandler's grownup face digitally joined to the body of an infant. [...]

di David Denby, articolo completo (1906 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New Yorker 3 agosto 2009

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