Drag Me to Hell

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Un film di Sam Raimi. Con Alison Lohman, Justin Long, Lorna Raver, David Paymer, Dileep Rao.
Horror, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 99 min. - USA 2009. - Lucky Red uscita venerdì 11 settembre 2009. MYMONETRO Drag Me to Hell * * * - - valutazione media: 3,03 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Sam Raimi, Alison Lohman and things that go bump in the night are firing on all cylinders in this timely horror film

di Betsy Sharkey The Los Angeles Times

If a one-eyed gypsy with very bad teeth asks you for anything, and really, I cannot emphasize this enough, say yes. Don't waver, don't bargain; anything short of yes could put you on a fast track to damnation as surely as a broken mirror will bring you seven years of bad luck.
Look at what happens to Christine, a very good egg boiled to perfection by circumstance and a lot of good work by Alison Lohman. One bad decision and suddenly director Sam Raimi throws her under the bus of his terrific new horror film, "Drag Me to Hell. [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (5875 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 29 maggio 2009

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