American Animals

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Crime thriller American Animals is a fantastic masterstroke in raw storytelling

di Jamie East The Sun

This Crime Thriller from director Bart Layton (known for his documentaries) tells the true story of a heist at a library in Lexington, Kentucky undertaken by 4 school kids trying to rid the place of their collection of extremely rare and valuable books - the centrepiece being John James Audubon's The Birds of America. What sets this apart from your average heist film is the unique way Layton jumps from the events and story performed by actors, to interviews and recollections with the real people portrayed in the film; the kids themselves (now young men with the best after dinner story in the world), their still clearly devastated parents and others. [...]

di Jamie East, articolo completo (4377 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Sun 7 settembre 2018

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