American Animals

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Fact blurs with fiction in a nail-biting heist movie

di Tim Robey The Daily Telegraph

The last film Bart Layton made was 2012's The Imposter, a coolly self-aware documentary with dramatic inserts, telling the story of a notorious French con man called Jacques Bourdin. In the smashingly enjoyable American Animals, he flips the balance: this one is largely a dramatised account of a real-life heist at a Kentucky college library, with interruptions from the actual participants. "This is not based on a true story," the film deviously feints in the opening spiel, dropping the words "not based on" to make a claim - slippery in itself - of absolute truth. [...]

di Tim Robey, articolo completo (4524 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Daily Telegraph 6 settembre 2018

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