Juliet Naked - Tutta un'altra Musica

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Owen Gleiberman


"Juliet, Naked" is a gently winning romantic comedy, all keyed to a delightful note of indie-rock obsession. It's exactly the sort of movie you want to see at Sundance - though by that, I don't mean that it's a knockout work of art like "Manchester by the Sea" or "Whiplash" or "Boyhood." It's a little mild, a little cozy in its affections; it didn't leave me as excited as "The Big Sick" did last year. (Frankly, it could have used a more killer ending.) Yet it's a winsome screwball love story that grows on you and takes you somewhere charming. [...]

di Owen Gleiberman, articolo completo (5916 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Variety 19 gennaio 2018

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