Juliet Naked - Tutta un'altra Musica

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Juliet, Naked examines the regret that comes with chances not taken

di Brad Wheeler The Globe and Mail

There's no nudity in Juliet, Naked, so get your mind out of the gutter and into Nick Hornby's indie-music, trans-Atlantic spin on You've Got Mail. Based on the British author's 2009 novel of the same name, Juliet, Naked wins on the strength of its three entangled characters: Rose Byrne is Annie, a wistful, unfulfilled girlfriend of Duncan, whom she lives with in seaside England; Chris O'Dowd is Duncan, a prickly film studies teacher and annoyingly obsessed fan of an obscure American singer-songwriter (Tucker Crowe) who mysteriously disappeared years ago; and Ethan Hawke (who's morphing into a smaller Nick Nolte right before our eyes) is Tucker Crowe, a greying and potbellied lost soul who strikes up an online relationship with Annie. [...]

di Brad Wheeler, articolo completo (1252 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Globe and Mail 30 agosto 2018

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