Sex List - Omicidio a tre

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Un film di Marcel Langenegger. Con Ewan McGregor, Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Maggie Q.
Titolo originale Deception. Thriller, durata 107 min. - USA 2008. - Mikado Film uscita venerdì 29 agosto 2008. MYMONETRO Sex List - Omicidio a tre * 1/2 - - - valutazione media: 1,68 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari. Acquista »

A throwback to the erotic thrillers of the '80s and '90s, "Deception" would be laughably bad if it weren't so rotely inert

di Mark Olsen The Los Angeles Times

A throwback to the erotic thrillers of the '80s and '90s -- you'd swear Michael Douglas or Demi Moore were going to show up any minute -- "Deception" would be laughably bad if it weren't so rotely inert. A lonely accountant (Ewan McGregor) is befriended by a high-living lawyer (Hugh Jackman), who introduces him to a world of anonymous-but-classy sex in art-directed hotel rooms and later a series of scheming double-crosses. For good measure there is also a girl in peril (Michelle Williams).
Early on, there is an element of aspirational lifestyle envy about it all, as if fancy clothes and well-designed surroundings really do make a life, if not at least the making of a good watch commercial. [...]

di Mark Olsen, articolo completo (3221 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 25 aprile 2008

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Mark Olsen
Manohla Dargis
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venerdì 29 agosto 2008
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