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Octavia Spencer rightfully steals the show in bizarre horror

di Lewis Knight Daily Mirror

You know where the party is in Ma and it's with our leading lady all the way. Oscar-winner Octavia Spencer reunites with her The Help director Tate Taylor on this campy B-movie horror Ma which centres on her bullied and lonely veterinary nurse Sue Ann and her burgeoning friendships with a group of small-town teens. Initially drawn in through the eyes of "new girl at school" Maggie (Booksmart star Diana Silvers), we see Maggie and her new friends ask Sue Ann for help buying them alcohol. Sue Ann likes the attention she gets from them and this becomes a regular occurrence, before moving to parties in Sue Ann's basement, where they begin to call her "Ma". [...]

di Lewis Knight, articolo completo (2742 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Daily Mirror 31 maggio 2019

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