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Octavia Spencer as a horror-movie villain? Yes, and she's actually really good.

di Michael O’Sullivan The Washington Post

As a movie villain, the titular mischief-maker of the psychological horror film "Ma" - an unhinged middle-aged enabler whose house becomes Party Central for a gaggle of teens looking for a place to drink illegally - has a hodgepodge of cinematic DNA. Part Annie Wilkes in "Misery," part Joan Crawford in "Mommie Dearest," she's also the spiritual heir of Alex Forrest in "Fatal Attraction," Mrs. Robinson in "The Graduate," both Carrie White and Margaret White in "Carrie," and Baby Jane Hudson in "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?" Yes, there is someone in a wheelchair. [...]

di Michael O’Sullivan, articolo completo (3518 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Washington Post 30 maggio 2019

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