Una famiglia al tappeto

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Un film di Stephen Merchant. Con Dwayne Johnson, Lena Headey, Jack Lowden, Florence Pugh.
Titolo originale Fighting With My Family. Biografico, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 108 min. - USA, Gran Bretagna 2019. - Eagle Pictures uscita giovedì 1 agosto 2019. MYMONETRO Una famiglia al tappeto * * * - - valutazione media: 3,13 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Fighting With My Family is the feel-good hit of the year that has a great plot to wrestle with

di Jamie East The Sun

The Great British Feel-Good Movie is a holy grail - guaranteed a place in our hearts for ever. The ingredients are pretty simple: An impossible journey, likeable cast, plenty of jokes and the occasional tear trickling down the cheek, leading to a chest-thumping, triumphant finale. Most importantly, it has to be quintessentially British. We have to be able to relate to it. The accents must be heard in Wetherspoon pubs, the clothes available in Primark. They may not be the prettiest of films - apart from the rose-tinted visions of Richard Curtis - but they are OURS. [...]

di Jamie East, articolo completo (2836 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Sun 28 febbraio 2019

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giovedì 1 agosto 2019
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