Beyond Wiseguys: Italian Americans & the Movies

Un film di Steven Fischler. Con Giorgio Bertellini, Paul Borghese, John Caglione Jr., Frank Capra Jr., David Chase, Dominic Chianese, William DeMeo, Ben Gazzara.
Documentario, - USA 2007.

Refusing to Let the Mob Hijack What It Means to Be Italian

di Karin Lipson The New York Times

DON’T get her wrong: Rosanne De Luca Braun loves “The Godfather.” Ditto, “The Sopranos.” But she has devoted much of the last seven years to exploring why certain Italian-American stereotypes — especially the gun-toting, cannoli-loving mobster — loom so large on screen, and in the national psyche.
The result of her labors is the documentary “Beyond Wiseguys: Italian Americans and the Movies,” which will have its Long Island premiere on Jan. 20 at the Cinema Arts Center in Huntington. Dominic Chianese, who played Uncle Junior in “The Sopranos” television series, is scheduled to make a guest appearance at the theater. [...]

di Karin Lipson, articolo completo (3961 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 13 gennaio 2008

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