Be Kind Rewind - Gli acchiappafilm

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Un film di Michel Gondry. Con Jack Black, Yasiin Bey, Danny Glover, Mia Farrow, Melonie Diaz.
Titolo originale Be Kind Rewind. Commedia, durata 98 min. - USA 2007. - Bim Distribuzione uscita venerdì 23 maggio 2008. MYMONETRO Be Kind Rewind - Gli acchiappafilm * * * - - valutazione media: 3,13 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

After an accident at a video store, Jack Black and Mos Def play friends who remake popular movies

di Carina Chocano The Los Angeles Times

Throughout Michel Gondry's "Be Kind Rewind," I couldn't decide if I was watching a cleverly timely and zeitgeist-y riff on the make-your-own-media era or a weirdly anachronistic throwback to a time that's not coming back. It's a tossup. Sweet-natured and likable as the movie is, it never really delivers on the promise of its ingenious premise, which hints at a subversive retelling of mainstream Hollywood movies but stops short at goofy homage.
Gondry, champion of all that is lo-fi, DIY and crafty, and fearless defender of the mechanical over the digital, has made a movie about a couple of guys who accidentally demagnetize an entire video store's inventory and decide to restore the videos by shooting lo-fi, DIY and crafty versions of their own. [...]

di Carina Chocano, articolo completo (5033 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 22 febbraio 2008

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