
Acquista su   Dvd Amanda   Blu-Ray Amanda  
Un film di Carolina Cavalli. Con Benedetta Porcaroli, Galatéa Bellugi, Michele Bravi, Monica Nappo.
Commedia, durata 94 min. - Italia 2022. - I Wonder Pictures uscita giovedì 13 ottobre 2022. MYMONETRO Amanda * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,74 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Gen Z Ennui Gets the New Deadpan Heroine It Deserves

di Kate Erbland IndieWire

Amanda hasn't done a lot of living in her 24 years. She's never had a job, a boyfriend, or even a friend. She doesn't fit in with her family - all of them pharmacists - even though she loves the clan's longtime housekeeper and she's got a real bond with her too-serious young niece. She's got a shitty apartment of her own, but it's outfitted with fancy furniture she seems to have pilfered from the family home a few blocks down the street. She goes to secret raves to pass the time, stands outside the local cinema in hopes of catching a glimpse of someone who might make for a reasonable pal, and has begun harboring a desire to free a horse from a local farm. [...]

di Kate Erbland, articolo completo (10453 caratteri spazi inclusi) su IndieWire 6 luglio 2023

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giovedì 13 ottobre 2022
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