
Un film di Tatia Rosenthal. Con Tom Budge, Joel Edgerton, Anthony LaPaglia, Geoffrey Rush, Leeanna Walsman.
Animazione, durata 78 min. - Israele, Australia 2008.

Figures Made of Clay in an Imaginary World

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

The Israeli writer Etgar Keret possesses an imagination not easily slotted into conventional literary categories. His very short stories might be described as Kafkaesque parables, magic-realist knock-knock jokes or sad kernels of cracked cosmic wisdom. When such vignettes are strung together into a feature — as in “Jellyfish” (2007), which he directed with his wife, Shira Geffen, and now in Tatia Rosenthal’s “$9.99” — they become even more elusive and strange. To watch these films is to enter an eerily realistic parallel universe where people and emotions are at once perfectly recognizable and completely bizarre. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (3112 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 19 giugno 2009

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