
Un film di Tatia Rosenthal. Con Tom Budge, Joel Edgerton, Anthony LaPaglia, Geoffrey Rush, Leeanna Walsman.
Animazione, durata 78 min. - Israele, Australia 2008.

Characters of Clay, Extremely Well Aged

di John Anderson The New York Times

IT took the Israeli-born filmmaker Tatia Rosenthal nine years to get her first animated feature made. Its title: “$9.99.” “And it’s coming out in 2009,” she said. “It’s crazy.”
Despite her mock amazement, there really are enough coincidences surrounding the film to give Ms. Rosenthal pause: control, after all, is the hallmark of the stop-motion animator. Coincidence shouldn’t have anything to do with it.
But chance, karma and kismet are all ingredients in “$9.99,” which is based on the short stories of the Israeli writer Etgar Keret and concerns an assortment of apartment dwellers in Sydney, Australia, who are lonely, aging, dysfunctional and, in one case, dead. [...]

di John Anderson, articolo completo (5698 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 14 giugno 2009

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