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Aguilera takes off

di Mick La Salle San Francisco Chronicle

"Burlesque" is irresistible from its first minutes, and over time it creates a whole atmosphere, not only onscreen but within the audience. It's big, perfectly cast and entertaining in every way, but more than that it feels like a generous public event. See it with other people. See it with a crowd.
You will know you're in good hands 30 seconds into meeting Christina Aguilera, as a small-town girl who dreams of big-city glamour. Aguilera has the face of an actress, full of character and thought, and in this, her first screen role, she has an ease with dialogue that some people never achieve. [...]

di Mick La Salle, articolo completo (4667 caratteri spazi inclusi) su San Francisco Chronicle 24 novembre 2010

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Marzia Gandolfi
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Peter Travers
Golden Globes (3)
Critics Choice Award (1)

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