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It's showtime all the time in this film about a dance club starring power vocalists Christina Aguilera, Cher and any number of dancers and razzle-dazzle costumes.

di Betsy Sharkey The Los Angeles Times

Think of "Burlesque" as one ginormous music video theme party thrown by Christina Aguilera, with Cher in the house, plus boas, bustiers and dancing girls and about a thousand humongous Broadway-style showstoppers. Which is a far better way to consider "Burlesque" than thinking of it as a movie — there, words fail. (Their words, not mine. I'm a long way from finished here.) But should you find yourself in the mood for Big Musical Numbers by the score rather than a film, there's a lot to like about "Burlesque. [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (5370 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 24 novembre 2010

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Marzia Gandolfi
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Rassegna stampa
Peter Travers
Golden Globes (3)
Critics Choice Award (1)

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