Fratellastri a 40 anni

Un film di Adam McKay. Con Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, Richard Jenkins, Mary Steenburgen, Adam Scott.
Titolo originale Step Brothers. Commedia, durata 100 min. - USA 2008. - Sony Pictures Italia uscita venerdì 17 ottobre 2008. - VM 14 - MYMONETRO Fratellastri a 40 anni * * - - - valutazione media: 2,23 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

In 'Step Brothers,' comedy gets older -- if not better

di Sam Adams The Los Angeles Times

If you put the collected works of Will Ferrell, Adam McKay and Judd Apatow in a pot, boiled off the excess and let the remainder cool, you'd have something very much like " Step Brothers." The story of two overgrown adolescents who become sudden kin when their single parents marry, it's "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" with two 40-year-old virgins, "Knocked Up" without the knocking up. Produced by Apatow and directed by McKay, who co-wrote the script with Ferrell, "Step Brothers" is not a retread so much as a reduction, stripping away the magical pretext of "Elf" and the period trappings of "Anchorman" to get to the heart of the thriving man-boy genre. [...]

di Sam Adams, articolo completo (3619 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 25 luglio 2008

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