Religiolus - Vedere per credere

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Un film di Larry Charles. Con Bill Maher Titolo originale Religulous. Documentario, durata 101 min. - USA 2008. - Eagle Pictures uscita venerdì 13 febbraio 2009. MYMONETRO Religiolus - Vedere per credere * * * - - valutazione media: 3,01 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Peter Travers

Rolling Stone

Bill Maher would have been burned at the stake if his hellishly hilarious and surprisingly thoughtful satire on organized religion had played the Inquisition. As it is, the far right will vilify him as a dangerous heretic, which is also pretty funny. Religulous, linking the words "religion" and "ridiculous," has been directed by Borat's Larry Charles in the same mode as that classic mock documentary. [...]

di Peter Travers, articolo completo (1047 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Rolling Stone 16 ottobre 2008

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venerdì 13 febbraio 2009
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