Atlantic City U.S.A.


On the Waterfront

di David Denby The New Yorker

In Louis Malle's "Atlantic City" (1981), the tawdry beach-resort town, once a paradise for racketeers, is losing its old hotels to the wrecking ball and its old criminal ways to the modern casino. In this atmosphere of dubious nostalgia and uncertain rebirth, an elderly numbers runner (Burt Lancaster), eager to assert his honor, looks after a gangster's widow (Kate Reid) and tries to help a couple of young people (Robert Joy and Susan Sarandon) make their way. [...]

di David Denby, articolo completo (1258 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New Yorker 2 marzo 2009

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Stefano Lo Verme
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Rassegna stampa
David Denby
Festival di Venezia (1)
Premio Oscar (5)
Golden Globes (3)
David di Donatello (2)

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