The Girlfriend Experience

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Peter Travers

Rolling Stone

Looking for the dirty thrill of ogling a real porn star, Sasha Grey, as she plays a high-priced Manhattan hooker doing a suck-fuck Kama Sutra? Then, dear God, steer clear of The Girlfriend Experience. Grey, 21, is there, all right, but director Steven Soderbergh, 46, has no interest in servicing the panting john in us. His movie, stylishly shot on the high-def cheap, runs 77 potently sexless minutes. Its subject isn't erotica, it's commodities trading. The time is a few days before Obama's election, and Grey's Chelsea shores up her war chest in a free-falling economy by charging $2,000 an hour for sexual healing. [...]

di Peter Travers, articolo completo (2007 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Rolling Stone 21 maggio 2009

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