Mary and Max


A love letter to pen pals' power

di Kevin Thomas The Los Angeles Times

Australian animator Adam Elliot, whose "Harvie Krumpet" won the Oscar for animated short in 2003, returns with his first feature-length film, the remarkable and poignant "Mary and Max," a stop-motion work in what he calls "clayography," a painstaking process of much whimsical detail. Mary (voiced by Bethany Whitmore and, later, Toni Collette) is a homely 8-year-old living in a drab Australian suburb who, picking a name out of a Manhattan phone book, writes to one Max Horowitz (Philip Seymour Hoffman), an even homelier 300-pound-plus ex-mental patient living in a dingy but spacious old apartment with a variety of pets and a collection of figurines he calls Noblitts. [...]

di Kevin Thomas, articolo completo (1823 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 25 settembre 2009

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