Spider-Man: Far From Home

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Marvel's follow-up to Endgame is a satisfying palate cleanser

di Clarisse Loughrey The Independent

What comes after the end? It's the question that's been hanging over the Marvel Cinematic Universe ever since the release of Avengers: Endgame was sold to us as the final chapter in a series of 22 interconnected films. But, already, the dust has settled and a successor has emerged: Spider-Man: Far From Home, which serves as a sequel to 2017's Homecoming and a direct follow-up to Endgame. It also officially concludes what Marvel has termed "phase three" of its franchise and, with the studio yet to confirm any future release schedule, provides our last stop before we march off into the great unknown. [...]

di Clarisse Loughrey, articolo completo (4508 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Independent 2 luglio 2019

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