Spider-Man: Far From Home

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Spider-Man: Far from Home is the third-best Spider-Man film you'll see all year, probably

di Barry Hertz The Globe and Mail

If you only see one Spider-Man film this year ... go stream Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. But if you only see two Spider-Man films this year ... well, I mostly loathed Avengers: Endgame, but the brief moments featuring Spidey himself were zippy. So: If you only see three Spider-Man films this year ... then yeah, go watch Spider-Man: Far from Home. It is objectively bizarre, and more than a little funny, that Hollywood and audiences think nothing of the fact that so many superhero stories can be jammed into so small a release window. [...]

di Barry Hertz, articolo completo (5487 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Globe and Mail 29 giugno 2019

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