Spider-Man: Far From Home

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Owen Gleiberman


As the first movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to be released after the shoot-the-works finale of the "Avengers" saga, "Spider-Man: Far From Home" gets to test-drive a crucial question of blockbuster culture, if not movie aesthetics: What does it feel like to watch a Marvel film in a post-Avengers world? Is there anything at stake left? There has, on occasion, been something at stake in a Marvel movie ("Iron Man," the first two "Captain America" films, "Black Panther," fill in your quirky favorite), yet rarely does it have much to do with how the end of civilization looms up in these movies. [...]

di Owen Gleiberman, articolo completo (7208 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Variety 27 giugno 2019

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