Messi - Storia di un campione


Messi: the movie review

di Nelson Moura

What is it with Messi that seems to cross barriers? Not just the well set defence lines he trounces on a weekend basis but cultural, gender and physical barriers. Everybody in the world seems to know him, independently you if you care or not about football. But do we actually know him? The real story, trials and tribulations of Lionel Andrés "Leo" Messi Cuccittini ? That is what the Spanish director Alex de la Iglesia is trying to achieve in "Messi: The Movie". Even a director who his most know for over-the top horror comedies, such as "The Day of the Beast" or "Perdita Durango", couldn't help to feel attracted to portray the life of a modern icon. [...]

di Nelson Moura, articolo completo (4357 caratteri spazi inclusi) su 9 aprile 2015-05-07

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