The Informers

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Injecting a Taste of the Flush and Flashy ’80s Into Sundance

di Michael Cieply The New York Times

LOS ANGELES — From a glass-walled penthouse above the Sunset Strip it is impossible not to observe that times have changed.
Just down the street, the original Spago restaurant, that emblem of the flush 1980s, is an empty shell. And here in the penthouse offices of Senator Entertainment, Bret Easton Ellis, another symbol of those super-slick times, is sprawled in a soft chair, wearing decidedly unslick running shoes and sweats.
Mr. Ellis, now 44, was 21 when he chronicled this city’s high life in “Less Than Zero” (1985), his debut novel. [...]

di Michael Cieply, articolo completo (6568 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 13 gennaio 2009

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