The Informers

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Back to the ’80s, for Assorted Hookups in a Wasteland of Privilege

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

Graham (Jon Foster) and Martin (Austin Nichols) are sitting in a Porsche parked in the hills overlooking Los Angeles. Graham is doing a lot of coke. Martin has been doing Graham’s mom, and also Graham’s girlfriend, Christie (Amber Heard), and also — as he points out just in case we were having trouble identifying the naked blond bodies piling up in various beds — Graham. But such doings are not on Graham’s mind. He is in a moral crisis: “I want someone to tell me what’s good. And I want someone to tell me what’s bad. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (3707 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 24 aprile 2009

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