Non dirlo a nessuno

Un film di Guillaume Canet. Con François Cluzet, Marie-Josée Croze, André Dussollier, Kristin Scott Thomas, François Berléand.
Titolo originale Ne le dis à personne. Drammatico, durata 125 min. - Francia 2006.

A top-notch thriller so twisty you may forget to breathe

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

Tell everyone about "Tell No One." Not just because this is a top-notch thriller so twisty you may forget to breathe, but because for a long time it looked like you wouldn't be able to tell anyone at all.
For even though "Tell No One" was a top performer in its native France (where it won four Cesars, the French Oscars, and was nominated for five more) as well as a box office success all across Europe, this was a film that nearly didn't get any kind of American theatrical distribution. Even when you added major French-speaking actors such as Nathalie Baye, Jean Rochefort, Kristin Scott Thomas and Marie-Josée Croze as well as a script based on a novel by bestselling American suspense writer Harlan Coben, the wild complexities of "Tell No One's" plot apparently scared off all the major specialty distributors. [...]

di Kenneth Turan, articolo completo (5449 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 2 luglio 2008

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Kenneth Turan
Stephen Holden
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Peter Travers
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