Good Hair

Un film di Jeff Stilson. Con Sarah Jones, KRS-One, Nia Long, Paul Mooney (II), Faheem Najm, Raven-Symoné.
Documentario, durata 95 min. - USA 2009.

Blending comedy and facts, Chris Rock tackles the social and economic issues surrounding ethnic hair.

di Betsy Sharkey The Los Angeles Times

Hair -- short, long, curly, straight -- if it happens to be on a woman's head, those tresses come with issues; roots buried deep in the complicated corner of the brain where self-esteem lives. If it is "black" hair -- as in ethnic -- there are many more layers of issues and implications that Chris Rock tries to untangle in answering a question posed by his 5-year-old daughter a few years ago: Daddy, why don't I have good hair? The result is the documentary "Good Hair," an amusing, poignant and surprisingly candid look at the topic with a disarming Rock coaxing answers and opinions from an eclectic cross section of African Americans, including Maya Angelou, Al Sharpton, actresses, models, stylists and everyday patrons of barber shops and beauty parlors around the country. [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (4289 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 9 ottobre 2009

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