Roman de Gare

Un film di Claude Lelouch. Con Fanny Ardant, Dominique Pinon, Myriam Boyer Drammatico, durata 105 min. - Francia 2007.

Kevin Thomas

The Los Angeles Times

"Roman de Gare" -- a witty yet ultimately poignant guessing game in which nobody is quite what he or she seems -- is arguably Claude Lelouch's best film. Its title translates as "airport novel," and Lelouch pays homage to the lure of those high adventures by mining one of his typically extravagant plots for both humor and pathos, raising provocative questions of identity and of the confusion of truth and fiction. [...]

di Kevin Thomas, articolo completo (1381 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 16 maggio 2008

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Kevin Thomas
A. O. Scott
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