Roman de Gare

Un film di Claude Lelouch. Con Fanny Ardant, Dominique Pinon, Myriam Boyer Drammatico, durata 105 min. - Francia 2007.

The Scenery’s Gorgeous. You Want a Plot, Too?

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

Claude Lelouch’s “Roman de Gare” is a thriller, a murder mystery and a somewhat self-conscious literary puzzle. All of that is entertaining enough, if a bit preposterous and overdone, but the twists and convolutions of the film’s beginning and end enable a middle that is dizzying domestic comedy.
A sleek Citroën pulls up at a muddy, care-worn farmstead at the foot of the French Alps, and what follows is 24 hours (around half an hour as the audience measures time) of sexual, social and familial absurdity. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (3959 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 25 aprile 2008

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Kevin Thomas
A. O. Scott
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